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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    Our school is committed to providing the foundation for students to achieve their potential and develop a sense of personal worth and dignity.  We believe that all students have the right to high quality education, and that teachers and parents together inspire students to want to learn and achieve.  We believe students will take advantage of all learning opportunities, set personal goals and achieve to the best of their abilities with our committed support.

                                              Core Values diagram

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  •  Pre-enrolment and registration update

    Pre-enrolment and registration update

    Thanks to all the families who pre-enrolled before the March 22, 2024, deadline to help our school get ready for next year! 

    We had more requests than available space in some grades within some of our programs, this means new students to those programs/planned classes will be chosen by random selection.

    The chart below indicates grades and programs that will be going to random selection, those that are closed, and those that remain open to new enrolments.  

    For those families with students entering a class that is going to random selection, you will be notified about the results by April 12, 2024.

    For those families with students entering all other classes, your child has been accepted.

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  • Registration 2024/2025

    Registration 2024/2025

    Check back regularly for updates regarding Registration for 2024/2025.

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Pre-enrolment and registration update

Thanks to all the families who pre-enrolled before the March 22, 2024, deadline to help our school get ready for next year! 

We had more requests than available space in some grades within some of our programs, this means new students to those programs/planned classes will be chosen by random selection.

The chart below indicates grades and programs that will be going to random selection, those that are closed, and those that remain open to new enrolments.  

For those families with students entering a class that is going to random selection, you will be notified about the results by April 12, 2024.

For those families with students entering all other classes, your child has been accepted.


Click on the following image to be taken to our Registration/Enrolment Helper: 


Principal's Message

Welcome to McKernan!  

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to McKernan School.  Whether you are a student, parent, staff member, community member or prospective Mustang, you are family! The best thing about family is that the richness comes from our differences; whether age - Kindergarten to grade 9, language - English, French and Spanish, or programming - Regular, Academic Enrichment Program, Immersion, Late Immersion and Bilingual McKernan has something for every student.  

What brings us together is a focus on our Core Values.  At McKernan:

  • We Seek
  • We Learn
  • We Lead 

While simple, the complexities of the learning process are represented in these stages of learning.  McKernan staff support students as they seek to explore their curiosities, find new pathways to learning and ultimately demonstrate the leadership abilities that will serve them as they head off to high school and beyond.  

 We look forward to supporting all current and future Mustangs!


Bienvenue à McKernan!

C’est un grand plaisir de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à l'École McKernan.  Peu importe si vous êtes un élève, un parent, un membre du personnel, un membre de la communauté ou futur Mustang, vous faites partie de la famille!  Ce qui a de super à propos d’une famille c’est la richesse qu’apporte nos différences;  Peu importe l'âge - de la maternelle à la 9e année, la langue- l’Anglais, le Français et l’Espagnol, ou le programme - Régulier, Enrichment Academique,  Immersion, Immersion tardive ou le programme Bilingue, McKernan a quelque chose pour tous les élèves.

Ce qui nous rassemble c’est l’accent sur nos valeurs fondamentales.  A McKernan:

  • On Cherche
  • On Apprend
  • On Mène

Quoique simple, les complexités du processus d’apprentissage sont représentées par ces stages d’apprentissage.  Le personnel de McKernan soutient les élèves à la recherche de la curiosité, à trouver de nouveaux chemins à l’apprentissage et finalement à démontrer des habiletés à mener qui les serviront au deuxième cycle du secondaire et au-delà.

Nous avons hâte de prêter mains fortes à tous les Mustangs, présents et futurs!


¡Bienvenidos a McKernan!

Es un gran placer darles la bienvenida a la Escuela McKernan. Si eres un estudiante, padre, miembro de personal, miembro de la comunidad o futuro Mustang, ¡formas parte de la familia! Lo mejor de la familia es la riqueza que contribuyen nuestras diferencias; ya sea la edad -  Kinder a grado 9, el idioma - inglés, francés y español, o el programa - regular, enriquecimiento académico, inmersión, inmersión tardía y bilingüe, McKernan tiene algo para cada estudiante.

Lo que nos une es el enfoque en nuestros valores fundamentales. En McKernan:

  • Buscamos
  • Aprendemos
  • Dirigimos

Aunque es simple, las complejidades del proceso de aprendizaje están representadas en estas tres etapas de aprendizaje. Los miembros del personal apoyan a los estudiantes mientras ellos exploran sus curiosidades, encuentran nuevos caminos de aprendizaje y finalmente, demuestran habilidades de liderazgo que les servirá mientras se dirigen a la escuela secundaria y más allá.